She's Baaaaaaack....
Yes, I decided to come back. Aren't we all lucky. It's been a rather rough last six months, dealing with chronic anemia, menopause, and the really big somewhat unstable personality. I am going to attempt now to limit these posts to subjects of some substance and consequence. I have been reading a few blogs over the past year, and one in particular really makes my day. No, of course I am not going to say whose, to do that would burst everyone else's bubble. Just suffice to say that it's spring. I like the world at the moment. Be happy.
I will post when I have formulated my thoughts a bit better, and the chores at my mother's house have been completed. Funny how caring for an elderly parent takes up so much of our time these days. I guess it's all worth it, after all, she did do a lot for me when I needed it. That's what friends are for.
I will post when I have formulated my thoughts a bit better, and the chores at my mother's house have been completed. Funny how caring for an elderly parent takes up so much of our time these days. I guess it's all worth it, after all, she did do a lot for me when I needed it. That's what friends are for.