Mental Meanderings of a Soul in Progress

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Pain: the universal equalizer

I have just started to come down from my first identifiable sulfite reaction, and I must say that this has made me feel very humble, indeed. At first I thought it was an MSG reaction, and was about to blame the stuff my friend put on the garlic toast as the culprit. That was, until I spoke with her and she said "All it is is garlic powder". Hmmm......Garlic Powder (heavily preserved with sulfites to prevent discoloration). Shrimp Scampi (shrimp are soaked in a solution of sulfites to keep them from discoloring and to retard growth of micro-organisms). Yellowtail Shiraz - Australian red wine (very tasty. Red wine has natural sulfites from the grape skins, but they also add them as mold retardants to improve the yield).

I have a very dear friend and significant person in my life who is extremely sensitive to sulfites. I have seen him in pain frequently, and I have been able to identify and empathize with his pain because I have been very sensitive to monosodium glutamate for years, and it produces a violent headache accompanied by nausea and light sensitivity, much like a migraine. I have to say, though, that this has been a new one even to me. Not only do I have the pain and nausea, but I also have ringing in my ears, dizziness and cold chills to round out the experience. I don't believe I have ever diminished his suffering in my words or actions, and if I have, I apologize profusely and from deep within my viscera. Last night was hell, pure and simple. At about three this morning all I wanted to do was cut my head off. At the twelve hour mark or so, I noticed that there was a bit of improvement and it's been a steady slide down the pain mountain since. I am anticipating that by the time I hit the 24 hour mark that I will be feeling mostly like myself, at about 10:30 PM.

Many thanks to my friends aspirin and (unsulfured) honey. The aspirin takes the edge off the pain and the honey tends to cut the nausea. I don't know how I'd have gotten through without you. My thanks also go out to my dearest friend and sweet one for the knowledge he has given me regarding this malady, so I wouldn't have to think I was having a stroke. If I could take your pain away, I would. Nobody should have to feel like that ever.

*Sigh* Perhaps I will get over to my mother's house next weekend.......


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